AncesTREE™ connects urban wood buyers and sellers across North America. Sellers can easily manage their inventory and list products for sale with a single click, while buyers can purchase from a wide variety of urban wood products on one aggregated marketplace.
— Paul Hickman, Founder, Urban Ashes
— Jennifer Alger, CEO, Far West Forest Products
AncesTREE is built for the industry, by those in the industry. Jennifer Alger runs her family's urban lumber business, Far West Forest Products.
She knows your passion for urban wood, and she understands the need to keep products organized, keep their rich history alive and to get this wood into the hands of artisans, architects and woodworkers. Doing that was becoming a struggle.
She needed a solution, so she helped create one. She saw a need, and filled it, not just for her business, but a solution to help the entire industry - Welcome to your AncesTREE™.
If trees could talk… well now they can.
By utilizing AncesTREE™, the story and history of times gone by, the legacy of the wood, is at your fingertips.